Can a red hot chilli pepper kill you?

Can a red hot chilli pepper kill you?


Yesterday, my mother told me that she had burnt her hand while cutting a pepper. I laughed and said to her:’ Burning your hand during a simple chopping is nonsense, impossible.’  After our little chat, I went to the kitchen, picked up the freshly cut peppers, glanced at them, and smoothly rubbed it on my finger’s wound. If you really want to experience the hell on earth, try it at your own risk. 

But why is this happening?



The main reason for burning is Capsaicin(C18H27NO3). This component in chili peppers irritates every bit of mammals’ all tissues. That burning feeling comes from the body’s pain response system. Capsaicin inside the pepper activates a protein in people’s cells called TRPV1. This protein has one job and it is to sense heat. When it does, it alerts the brain to go nuts. The brain then responds by sending a dose of pain back to the affected part of the body.


Guide to Burns: Degrees, Treatment and PreventionThe moral of the story is, when peppers are in reaction with us they trick us into being burned alive.

A piece of advice to cool down the process of eating chili peppers is drinking milk.

The fat that milk contains helps to dissolve the capsaicin.

If you drink water while being burnt;

Nothing will change and your life’s tragedy will continue.



Let’s talk a little bit about evolution. The proposition goes as follows;

⊗ Capcaisin existed because the mammals’ digestion system made the pepper seeds inefficient. To prevent this from happening, peppers evolved and became chili peppers.

The proof goes as follows;

⊗According to Joshua  Tewksbury’s research, people, mice, and other mammals feel the burn when they eat peppers. Birds don’t. Why would peppers develop a way to keep mammals away but attract birds? It helps the pepper plant to spread its seeds.  Mammals have teeth that smash seeds, digesting and destroying them. Birds swallow pepper seeds whole. Later, when birds poop, the seeds land in a totally random new place.

bird in peppers


Sayaca Tanager, a bird, eating malagueta peppers, which can be 40 times hotter than jalapeños, as a desert. 




Thank you for reading my content.  Even TRPV1 has a job and thousands of graduates don’t.



  • Directed deterrence by capsaicin in chilies | Request PDF. (2008). Retrieved January 4, 2021, from




Zy Atalay
Student of life. Also student of Economics and Philosophy. Knowledge and affection are only available when it's shared. I can't share any affection here.

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