Sustainable Fashion Movement

Sustainable Fashion Movement



With industrialization, world population growth, and technological developments, the world is becoming more complex. Production and consumption are increasing disproportionately as a result of major breakdowns in world history. A side of this extravagance is considered to be the fashion industry. One of the most developed industries in the world is the fashion industry. It is found that the fashion industry pollutes the world the most after the oil sector. This pollution includes every raw material, production stage, delivery to consumer use, and subsequent processes.


Origin and Reports


A sustainable fashion movement emerged in the USA in 1980. Created as a response to the excessive consumption and production that is the accustomedness of the modern world and rapidly spreading around the world at the beginning of the 21st century.  The movement aims to change fashion brands and systems by defending environmental integrity and social justice. It was created in response to fast fashion, which is synonymous with low-cost, low-quality, disposable clothes in the fashion industry. Sustainable fashion is much more strongly associated with “slow fashion,” which is described as “quality-oriented.” Slow fashion’s fundamental objective is to create products that can be worn for a long time. That are of high quality, and will not go out of fashion.

The fashion industry, according to reports, has a huge impact on climate change, too. According to a McKinsey report, the global fashion industry generated 2.1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. Accounting for 4% of overall global emissions. In this sense, the term “sustainability” has an important role in preventing extreme production and consumption chains. Also, contributing to the protection of limited resources of the world, which is consuming unconsciously and inconsiderately. 




Consumers, manufacturers, designers, animals, plants, the global population, and emerging generations who are using fashion are all part of the sustainable fashion movement. While stressing the value of environmentally safe clothing production, purchasing second-hand clothing or modifying, lending, and borrowing clothes are among the sustainable options encouraged. All strategies encouraging more environmentally friendly, socially and ethically conscious production and consumption are important steps for a sustainable industry. The production and consumption surplus derives its strength from the producer’s commercial hunger, and the consumer’s feeling of endless consumption.




COVID-19 has a major influence on the fashion world. It raises general consciousness about the number of retail outlets around the world as well as health and safety concerns.

Simultaneously, consumers are becoming more concerned about sustainability. This is seen on social media, documentaries, and national governments’ attempts to connect post-COVID recovery efforts to sustainability targets.




Although, it may not be possible for individuals to intervene in this rapid production chain that comes with industrialization and technology. Discovering sustainable resources and applying them to daily lives is an important contribution that cannot be underestimated. A consumer can contribute to sustainable fashion as an individual by not consuming just because of trends. Instead, knowing the brand well in terms of environmentally, and shopping from brands that make their supply chains transparent. Donating used but wearable clothing, using them differently, or selling them.



Zeynep Ardıç
Senior Psychological Counseling and Guidance student at Boğaziçi University. Interested in psychology, music and the visual arts.

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