Failure: Stepping Stone to Success

Failure: Stepping Stone to Success

The main goal of every person is to be successful, right? But real success doesn’t come without failure. Success requires hard work, intelligence, humility, and failure lead to these three things. Money is the root of all evil as failure is the root of all true success. You must first fail in order to succeed. Failure is a better teacher than success because failure teaches success. Real success comes from hard work and dedication. Real success comes from hard work and dedication. Failure is also the source of effort.

Success is 99% Failure.

Soichiro Honda

People in our society tend to view failure from a negative perspective. The most obvious example is in school where students don’t want poor grades. On the other hand, failure in the real world is good. Talking about Thomas Edison. When asked about his mistakes, Edison once said: “I have not failed 10,000 times; I have successfully found 10,000 unworkable ways.” What if he gives up after trying the 9,999th attempt? Research shows that initial defeat in your career can make you more successful in the future.

Success as a ten-rung ladder. (n.d.). [Image].

Inspires positive change in success

Most successful people will tell you that they tried many times before reaching their goals, but they all failed because they learned something new every time they failed. People who fail tend to become humble, fearless, and self-respecting.

Failure gives you the opportunity to look back, admit your mistakes, and take responsibility for your mistakes. Experiencing failure can also help you believe in yourself and your ability to make decisions about the future. Every misstep has many positive results, and the opportunities for personal growth are endless. For example, preparing new recipes, playing the piano, or using golf clubs. This also applies to basic life goals, such as running a marathon and following a healthy diet plan.

Successful VS Unsuccessful Poster. (n.d.). [Image].

Gives you a new frame of mind

Ellen DeGeneres said, “It is the failure that gives you the genuine perspective on success.” Every success is accompanied by hundreds of disappointments, mistakes, and losses, which is as important as the achievement itself. Successful discoveries don’t happen overnight. Generally what we see is mainly gains, not losses.

Substantially, Johannes Haushofer, Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs at Princeton University, published a review of his career failures to gain insight into dissatisfied students. These include degree programs he did not enroll for, research grants he did not receive, and refusals to publish in academic journals. He writes, “This darn CV of Failures has received more recognition than all of his academic work.


Overcoming failure teaches resilience

Resilience is the ability to quickly recover from difficulties and setbacks.  In alternative words, resilience is toughness. It’s not simply the act of failing that results in career success. We build up our ability to handle future problems and not be overwhelmed. Recovering from failure teaches resilience, and resilience is a common characteristic in all successful people.


Failure teaches what you want (and don’t want)

There’s strong evidence that we are actually learning from mistakes, not from success. Although some people may know their passion from a very young age, most people don’t. Therefore, there is no substitute for trial-run careers. If one job does not work, you can move on to the next job. Treat your every defeat as a lesson that will put you ahead of everyone else.

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” I can’t disagree. In the final analysis, what defines us is not failure, but the willingness to continue anyway.


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