The concept of God

The  concept  of  God

Is God there?

In a world where people are more often busy than free, time goes by and some questions remain unanswered.

Usually it’s at the end of its own life that, in proximity of the death, people seek for a meaningful response.

Even if we are beings aware of our finitude, we barely accept to vanish away; it seems that the society built by men has left outside a place where to meet God.

The issue is how to recognise our spiritual nature while living and dealing with material problems?

God can’t be totally conceived by human mind but no one has hesitation to take it into a discourse or worst to curse it.

For this, although nor believed nor known people use its name almost continuously, letting intended a disregard and a disbelief.

To directly answer it, God might not be there but it is permanently quoted and evoked.


God as goodness nevertheless the evil

Among the most discussed debate, there is the question ‘ Why if God exists does He allow the evil to be?

Here we have to focus on two instances:

First, the nature in itself is neutral, thus what makes it bad is the evil concealed in the human nature.

Second, the human nature, as a mirror, reflects a dark side which reveals our imperfection state of creatures.

So as God’s creatures we are all made of several counterparts which underline how our will can determine ourselves.

It is clear how much good and bad are two parts of the same medal.

We all need something; hence there is no point in considering us as upper beings, our incompleteness creates what prompts us to action revealing the allegedly brutality we could be capable of.

In the strict sense, the decision making is what defines us…

God is utmost good; human beings, beyond their animal instincts, have the harmful prospect to be sneaky by using the reasoning to do evil.

To answering, I reformulate the same question changing the direct object: ‘Why if God exists does He allow us to be ?’

Are we not also evil, are we?

A truth to pinpoint God’s concept

No old man bearded nor depicted figures, God is revealed in first John 4:8 and 4:16 to be essentially love.

That love that according to Dante Alighieri that “moves the sun and the other stars”.

Within us, love is something real and powerful, that entails our deepest divinity nature as human beings.

Essentially we do not have to consider love as what prompts us to an highest level of morality but as the secret recipe to find out in order to live better.

As far as true that in God’s name terrible things occurred, on behalf of love we could even kill as it menaced.

Church, popes, revolutionaries, chiefs of state, leaders and beyond have committed injustices to preserve the love;

All of that committed out of fear? Rather, being under pressure or essentially due to bad choices.

The fact is the evil is insidious and whenever liberated compels us to groan our sorrow but love is a silently healing.

God described as a father, who warns us to properly act, for our wellbeing- God as an unfathomable experience- Him is time but out of it at the same time.

Plenitude of being, absence of thought nor emotions but that complete sense of replenishment.

Final assertions in response to Bertrand Russell’s pamphlet ” Why I am not a Christian” 

As a brilliant writer, mathematician and philosopher Russell gave a talk in 1927.

He affirmed his beliefs and his words had a great rebound worldwide.

Firstly, in it he affirms the non-logical existence of God then with conviction he backs the need of religion is to be found in people’s fear.

Secondly, he claims that open-minded and hearted people are those who can heal the world oppressed by false dogmas and utilitarianism; the intellectual integrity can be the key benefit to any system’s functionality.

At that time, a lot of people countered Russell’s disbelief but as an earthquake his opinions prompted a better understanding and awareness of the social time going on.

The concepts, socially and historically, are worthy being into consideration and they are valid.

On the other side, by taking his assertions on God under examination, I provide some possible answers to prove God existence and Christian’s entirety.


If people loved out of fear, it would not be love.

It cannot accept the faith as a movement due to fulfil the hole created by fear.

Religion, oppositely, has to mitigate the fear and it calls for love.

( Frederick Charles Copleston’s response to Russell’s resolution )  :

“God’s existence cannot be logically proved but only experimented more than priori only posteriori.

In his essence, God coincides with his existence.”


As written and said by Russell: no student can exceed his master in Christianity; Christ remains of one accord the man on earth who more than anybody else shared God’s true guise.

If God instead of being abstract was closer than what we expect, it would be take for granted the exceeding of the death.

Time, flesh and cognitive mind altogether with all thoughts, emotions and moods will disappear to let our true essence free to be afloat.


If you want to read more about the concept of God and discover the Sumerian mythology as well, you can click here.

I am an Italian guy who likes diversity in cultures and travelling. My will is to publish articles which could open new outlooks through interesting informations.

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