Can you build muscle by thinking?: Mind-muscle connection

Can you build muscle by thinking?: Mind-muscle connection

What is the mind-muscle connection and how it works?

While doing any movement, our muscles are activated by signals called impulses from our brain. The physiological event that occurs in the body while moving is called the neuromuscular junction. Nerve impulses come to the terminal of motor neurons, then trigger the secretion of the neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine passes the synapse and then binds to the receptors. This causes the muscle’s action potential (the type of energy that causes the muscle to start working), after this potential, the muscle moves. The more neurotransmitters you send out, the more muscle fibers are triggered and contract; which makes the muscle development.

Diagram representing a neuromuscular junction, showing ACh receptors and mitochondria of the neuron. (2020).


Thus we can have an outcome from this: in the gym, focusing on your movement instead of thinking about the dinner you’re going to eat tonight will  increase your productivity.

What is the difference between internal and external focus, which one is more efficient?

For external factors, we can think based on the environment; such as how we look from the outside while doing the movement, whether we do it correctly, the speed we move and so. Internal focus, which we call a mind-muscle connection, can be considered the opposite, the effect of movement from the inside. It’s like feeling which muscles are contracting when you are moving, thinking about the oxygen that goes into the muscles.

While in general research, it is said that the external focus is more important because it acts in a more controlled manner, in a study in 2018, it has been proven that the internal focus is more effective for muscle development in novices. It has also been stated that the efficiency achieved depends on how much we master the muscle group we train when doing the movement. When it comes to power release, the external focus is more effective because ultimately the power is related to how the movement is made. So we can say that these two concepts vary according to the level.

When it comes to power oscillation, the external focus is more effective because ultimately power is related to how the movement is performed. So we can say that these two concepts vary according to the level.

As a result; a novice will achieve greater efficiency in both internal focus and external focus, and internal focus will be more successful as the person will gain more control over the other muscle group as he/she is experienced. However, experienced ones with high weights and compound exercises should focus on the external focus, because they unintentionally contract the muscles enough to complete the movement.

Tromellon, J. (2018). Mind Muscle Connection.


There are some ways for more efficacy,

For better mind-muscle connection, focus on the quality of your repetition instead of the weight you use.

  • Make the movements more slowly and utilize the mind-muscle contraction: although you should use less weight than usual, do the movement with more sense and wait where the maximum contraction point is.

-Concentric contraction: Focus on squeezing the muscle at the top (while shortening the muscle) for a few seconds

-Eccentric contraction: Focus on the slowing down the downward movement (while lengthening the muscle)

-Isomeric contraction: Hold the position, maximum contraction level  for 3 to 5 seconds and feel the burn

  • Before starting exercise, make mobility and activation movements: these are movements that give you the flexibility and activity you need to maintain adequate contraction during exercise.
  • Increase your knowledge of anatomy: getting to know the muscles in your body well and learning which movements work them will strengthen your focus and improve your technique during exercise.


Cavallo, J. (2018) Mind Muscle Illustration.






Jeff Nippard. (2018, September 25). How To Use The Mind-Muscle Connection for Growth (What The Science Says) [Video file].

AĞIRSAĞLAM. (2019, July 7). Kaslarını Hisset ve Geliştir! (Mind Muscle Connection) [Video file].

Schoenfeld, B. J., Vigotsky, A., Contreras, B., Golden, S., Alto, A., Larson, R., … Paoli, A. (2018). Differential effects of attentional focus strategies during long-term resistance training. European Journal of Sport Science, 18(5), 705–712. doi:10.1080/17461391.2018.1447020

Gym Guider. (n.d.). Biceps Not Growing? Utilise the mind-muscle connection!





  1. II enjoyed reading this 🙂

    1. Gonca Toker says:

      Thanks 🙂