The Importance of Creative Hobbies

The Importance of Creative Hobbies

With the hustle bustle that is in our lives, it’s hard to realize that sometimes putting time aside for ourselves is important. We prioritize our children, our work, and our errands but the things we do for ourselves are equally important. You cannot pour from an empty container and the energy and dedication you give out work the same way. If you are not happy and thriving, you cannot make others happy. So where can you start to work to find this happiness? Two words: Creative Hobbies. The importance of creative hobbies in our lives cannot be overlooked. They are the foundation of creating a healthy, happy you. Creative hobbies especially can actually assist you in those other tasks and improve the overall way that you live!


Picking out a creative hobby immediately brings to mind the idea of the arts but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to pick up a paintbrush to engage in a creative hobby. These kinds of hobbies can be anything from writing to gardening to coding to cooking. The important part in picking out one that suits you is that it’s something that you enjoy and that you can take the time to do creatively. Cooking is great to both enjoy and feed the family but if you start to just throw meals together without thought then you aren’t actively engaging in it as a hobby. You want an outlet that you can have fun with and learn about.


Active engagement in this activity will help your brain stay young. By working on activities and learning new things you are making your brain work. This work, even though it’s fun to you, activates your brain, and since it’s working then it’s actively improving. Creative hobbies have been proven to improve your memory and other cognitive functions including focus and problem-solving skills. By encouraging you to think creatively your brain gets used to looking at things from new angles and that gets transferred into all areas of your life. The drive you feel when you are working on an enjoyable project teaches your brain how to actively focus on subjects. All of this contributes to your brain workout. The brain is a muscle after all! It needs its exercise just as much as other parts of your body!


It feels like we hear the idea of self-care so often now that it loses its meaning but that doesn’t mean it should lose its value. Self-care has been proven to be the foundation of establishing strong mental health and creative hobbies are a great way to easily practice self-care. If you are doing something that you enjoy you are practicing self-care because you are taking the time to do something for ‘you’ and only ‘you’ Creative hobbies force you to take a break from the high stress of your life and reset your thoughts. Most creative hobbies lower the stress because you are doing them for fun rather than as a requirement in life. If your painting doesn’t come out like the Mona Lisa or your garden looks like Godzilla walked through it, it is okay because the important part isn’t the product. It is the experience. Studies have shown across the board that creative hobbies relieve stress, promote relaxation, and improve mood. These improvements lead to even more improvements in your life like better sleep and less anxiety which translate into better mental health and overall happier life.


Plus, when you are playing with a new project or hobby you are staying away from the mindless scrolling that many have begun to mistake for self-care time. This teaches you how to manage time better so that you aren’t swallowed by the void of social media. Suddenly you have a reason to get through your to-do list so that you can get to the things you really enjoy! So get off the screen and go find a new creative hobby!

Sources Used:

10 reasons to take up a creative hobby — Anhthology. (2020, October 30). Anhthology.

34 reasons you need to pick up a creative hobby today. (2021, March 30). Simple Creative Living.

Having a creative hobby // 9 benefits of having a creative hobby. (2020, April 2). La Ivana.

The science behind creative hobbies. (2015, June 18). Day Designer®.

Visual Bibliography:

A creative mess – Studio & team – mark-making*. (2018, October 19). mark-making*.

Find a new hobby. (2019, July 12). HCPL.

List of all existing hobbies – 81 hobbies for everyone’s taste. (2019, May 20). Quello che fa per te.

Scott, D. (2021, January 18). Do hobbies last forever? Jewel 98.5 – Lite Favourites.

Silva, G. A. (2020, October 14). ‘Smart’ brain-machine interfaces that adapt to your needs and intent. Medium.

My name is Jessica. I am an event coordinator in the United States with a degree in Communication Studies and a minor in Psychology. I am interested in literature, social studies, animals, travel and art. I love to paint and read and I hope to help make the world a better place!

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