The ambition in Shakespeare’s Tragedy : Macbeth

The ambition in Shakespeare’s Tragedy : Macbeth

Short summary

Returning from a won battle, Macbeth and Banquo met three witches.

They announce them the next Macbeth’s coronation as king of Scotland.

Shortly after, once told it to her wife, Macbeth finds in her the ambitious venom to kill the king Duncan.

Blinded, he gives up to her insistences.

Out of reaching vain glory out, he committed the crime; from that moment on, it starts the conspiracy in which the royal guards are blamed on the murder.

As a final consequence, he begins a real vicious circle full of paranoia and snares; it leads to Macbeth’s insanity, talking aloud to a ghost victim while being at a buffet.

Killings are pursued in order to keep the truth uncovered;  a series of crimes made, ending with a civil war and finally Macbeth’s deposition

The legitimate son of the former king Duncan becomes king of Scotland.


Macbeth’s weakness

Macbeth came out as one of the most relevant Shakespeare’s tragedy.

When dealing with it, the reader faces the troubles with decision making.

The main character from a noble and respected man turns into a monster, just to satisfy his thirst for power.

First of all, he is a victim of raw ambition: he is a tragic hero.

His desperation is effortless, trying not to do discover his crimes.

We also assist to a depersonalisation due to the greater amount of pressure the longer he continues gradually with his intent.

The themes of the play are innocence and guilt, fate and volition, cupidity and obsession.

At the time in which Macbeth feels himself sure to steal away with his fulfilled triumph, he falls.

The rhythm always increases until the end.

A positive end but at the same time a defeat for the protagonist, his weakness, recalls all the bad intentions eradicated and won.

Into the play

“Distortion appease spirits!”








Above all, it is the turmoil that King Duncan’s death generates a claim to analyze this deed’s gravity.

In a time where riots and murders were quite common among , for instance, a King’s death is outstanding.

That’s the first step to have got all the inducements to do justice.

Such an unpredictable and rude act is a source of mess onto a web already well assessed by Shakespeare.

Everything misleads, reality is only an amount, as numerous as ineffective, of different points of view.

Consequently, the dim light makes appear anyone as possible true murderer but by this way Macbeth plays.

Certainly, the doubt is helpful to him and whenever something happens to threat his innocence, he skillfully covers truth up with new lies.

It goes on chapter after chapter; although the pressure on Macbeth’s shoulder increases as well as his mental health.

Out of ambition he doesn’t want to surrender, ascending above just to fall.

Soliloquies is an awful arm used to discover minds’ characters; Shakespeare also uses it to get in touch with his tragic hero deeply, underlying his cowardice.


On one hand, nothing more than a delusion can bring a person to fly down; on the other, the seeking for power and prestige by misdeeds is even worst.

Macbeths shows us the reason why.

A bad action rebounds into the soul of the person, poisoning him.

Not matters how satisfaction can be felt at the end the righteousness is what triumphs.

The truth is what gives to every account the thickness of it.

Illusions can render a man blind, the power unjustly acquired can kill noble spirits but the immortality stays with the truth.

For it, blissful those who live the reality only with their true souls.

If you want to read more about Macbeth, you can click here.


I am an Italian guy who likes diversity in cultures and travelling. My will is to publish articles which could open new outlooks through interesting informations.

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